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  • The small street in Japan - Inconvenience?

    Since I came to Japan I realize the street here is quite small and honestly at first, I did not where I can ride my bike or where I can walk? Living in a
    small town, I know that the streets are small is the normal thing but I was quite confused. I did not take the photo but I had found the similar street on the Internet so here is the picture ))

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Japan street.jpg
Views:	57
Size:	134.8 KB
ID:	1498

    As you can see, the street is for one or two cars only and a bike or motorbike and walkers have very little space to move.
    I know that Japan is a small country and Japanese people wanna save space for houses and other local places. The way they put trains underground to reduce the traffic on the ground makes me very admire.
    In my country, we have bigger roads but there always traffic jam
    What do you think about the small street in Japan? Have you ever feel its dangerous to drive or inconvenience?
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  • #2
    I've been to Japan a lot of times already and I did notice these kinds of streets there which I've been to during day or night. Still, so far, I would say that there's not one moment where I felt unsafe walking such streets. They do feel empty sometimes at late nights but still, I don't mind. I've been to other countries with just the same road width and they're so messy, eerie and outright dangerous because you always have this feeling that someone in your back is watching you and just waiting to stab you. In Japan, the roads in the cities and urban places have always been safe. I hope they keep it that way.


    • #3
      I used to live in a more rural place in Japan until I moved to Tokyo. Where I moved in had a similar street as in the photo and I was quite scared at first. Back in my hometown the side walk and the driving road was always dived fences. but where I lived in was only divide by a line on the ground.
      I always had to pay attention and be careful. I did get used to it after a while but I'd see some cars accidents every now and then.
      I think Japanese are careful when it comes to driving but still maybe it would be better to have the streets a bit wider.

