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  • Japanese and Australian Sister City Relationship Suspended Due to Dolphin Hunting

    Interesting article from September 2009 and still relevant today (2016)

    Today in Taiji, commercial dolphin hunting is a major business. Some of the dolphins are sold to aquariums around the world. Other dolphins are slaughtered and sold to eat. Much dolphin is apparently eaten in Taiji and the media has told us about the high mercury content of the dolphins and the Taiji residents who eat them. Taiji has been subjected to both domestic and international criticism and pressure to stop commercial dolphin hunting. Unfortunately, no acceptable alternative employment has yet been suggested for Taiji residents who depend on commercial dolphin hunting for their income ... continue to article

  • #2
    I love food, but dolphin is a bit much. I'd usually try anything, but dolphins are intelligent. I don't like cruelty in my food, that's just wrong. Who even eats that dolphin meat when you can have beef or something? It's as bad as eating whale.
    I'm not surprised that an Australian city cares about this, they have all kinds of rules related to animal welfare and stuff. I think they're in the right here, and Japan needs to wake up to what the rest of the world is telling them.
    They need to stop polluting the sea water, too. Sounds like the residents are making themselves ill eating dolphin. I won't say it serves them right, I can see they have to make a living, but there's some kind of karma there, surely.
    I don't want to sound mean, but I have a strong opinion on this.


    • #3
      They exploit dolphins being friendly and playful to ships and humans. They're easy to catch because they go to you.


      • #4
        Japanese people in general are too YASASHI (kind hearted). It is also one of the most polite race in the world. I still don't understand why they are doing such bad things? All the creatures have same feeling of Pain, like humans. Besides, especially whales are endangered species. I hope they soon stop these hunting activities!

        Anyway, Whales are not the last food on the earth to eat!!

