I was watching Chi's Sweet Home, which is a super cute anime, and it was talking about apartments that don't allow pets in Japan. Then I ended up on the Internet, looking up things, and after following a bunch of links, as you do, I found an article (I linked it below). It sounds like there's a lot of cruelty to pets in Japan, which seemed really strange to me because they seem to value nature and they like cute things. But this article (which is quite long, so I'm summarising) mentioned pet hoarders (which I guess happens in various countries), balcony breeders (who also try to keep lots of pets in a small space), owners causing their pets health problems because of pet fashions and pet clothes, and the euthanasia of thousands of strays using CO2, which isn't a humane way to do it. I've also read in places that pet shops in Japan keep the animals in small cages.
I'm a bit shocked, to be honest. How can animal rights be so far behind in Japan?
I'm a bit shocked, to be honest. How can animal rights be so far behind in Japan?