Have anyone tried eating authentic Japanese Curry? I've heard that almost every home have their own version of this popular dish. I tried looking for ingredients in our local Daiso store but it seems that it's either out of stock or someone else bought them before me. Curry is quite forgiving, you can toss almost anything in it and it will taste good (Ok, not everything but don't throw something that is not edible or may make your tummy suffer). I've watched a few videos on how to prepare Japanese curry and it's really interesting. I didn't know that some curry recipe use chocolates to make the taste richer. *Cough* Maybe I'll go visit Daiso again and hopefully this time, I'll be able to buy the right ingredients.

I'm not entirely sure how you measure the authenticity of a Japanese curry, but I have had the pleasure of eating one with a Japanese family during a homestay. It was very nice! We made potato croquettes together to eat alongside itI've bought different types of curry cubes (just add water!) in the supermarket, and they were just as nice, even the cheaper ones. You can get different amounts of spiciness, and add whatever other ingredients you what. I rather liked adding banana to mine, although I have no idea where I got the idea from!
You're right about the varying flavors. Generally the ones with interesting ingredients already added were ready-made packets that you could simply boil or microwave. My favorite one of those that I had contained strawberries. I guess I really like fruity curries!