There are a lot of people especially the younger generation who are avid fans of Japanese anime. So you might ask “Why are they so awesome?” the answer is simple, it's because they “are” awesome. There's just no in between, you either like them or you like them.
I mean, I grew up watching shows like X-Men, G.I Joe, Captain America and let's not forget the Disney films like The Land Before time (probably watched this one more than a dozen times with my sister), Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, The Lion King, etc. Yes, I loved them when I was young and I enjoyed them to this day.
Then for some reason, Japanese anime was featured in our country and the rest was history. Popular shows like Dragon Ball Z, Gundam Wing, Ghost Fighter, Vision of Escaflowne, and the more recent ones like “Pokemon” popped up and they blew me away. Even today, anime had become a part of everyday life not only in Japan but around the world as well. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is.
Most of the anime that you have watched on T.V actually came from Japanese Manga. If you haven't read my blog about them on one of my post in this forum, you might want to check it out

Like I mentioned before, there are very popular anime like Pokemon ( I mean cmon, who in this day and age doesn't know Pikachu?) which has taken the world by storm. It gave birth to movie films, console games, card games etc. Because of the popularity of anime, there are even people who dress up to look like their favorite anime characters. We call them “cosplayers” and you will often find them in anime conventions.
They are the ones who take their appreciation to the genre to a higher level and some of them look gorgeous in their costume (especially the ladies). So at the end of the day, what is the difference between Western cartoons and Japanese anime? If I have to give my opinion, Japanese anime characters are more realistic and their movements are more fluid compared to Western Cartoons. When I say more realistic, I mean the overall aesthetic of the character. The face including the eyes, ears, nose etc is more smooth compared to the roughness of western cartoons (I'm talking about the latest animes not the old ones).
Anime's like Fate Stay Night is one good example of an anime with realistic characters and fluid movements (especially during fight scenes). Combine it with some high quality special effects and you get one “awesome” show that you will definitely enjoy.
Although there are people with different tastes when it comes to anime, the majority of them agree that they enjoy watching them

Well then, see you again next time as we embark on a journey to find the most interesting things that is uniquely Japan!