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80% of Japanese agree to death penalty in Japan
America, India, China, Saudi Arabia and Iraq are often seen in the top five countries practicing death penalty every year. journalist Harada...
The 8050 problem -Hikikomori in Japan-
According to Japan's health ministry, hikikomori is a person who "does not go to work or school, rarely interacts with people other than family members,...
Yuriyuri started a blog post 5 Japanese traits that makes Japan one of the safest country in the world5 Japanese traits that makes Japan one of the safest country in the world
It is said Japan is an extremely safe country to live at. Even Japanese themselves agree with it. You can walk with your phone in your pocked, save a...
Penis fertility festival in Japan
Japan has a fertility festival also known as kanamara matsuri translated as Steel Phallus Festival.
This festival is believed to promote fertility,...
Interesting facts about Japanese trains
In Japan, you can get on a train and go almost anywhere you wish to. Especially in cities like in Kanto Area, you can go to work and travel without the...
98% of Japanese adoption are male adults
The United States and Japan have one of the heights adoption rate in the world. However, while vast majority adoptees are children in The United States,...
Ainu -Japanese indigenous people-
Ainu is considered as a Japanese indigenous group that has lived mainly in Hokkaido for centuries. Ainu way of living is based on animist faith which...
Japan's Homogeneous society and globalization
Japan has a homogeneous society. A homogenous society is a society where most of the people share the same type of ethnicity, language, religion and cultural...
Japanese men hair "femeninization of masculinity"
Beauty standards varies from culture to culture.
It is common for women's fashion style and beauty standards to keep changing frequently anywhere...
Japanese high context culture
以心伝心 (ishindenshin) is a Japanese popular saying among Japanese. Its kanji characters literally means "similar minds/hearts, transmission...
Why wearing masks has become part of the Japanese culture
One of the unique culture Japan has is the culture of wearing masks which perhaps lots of foreigners don't really understand the need for.
The impression...
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A Guide to Sendai's Cafes and Bakeries
When I was living in Sendai, one of my favourite things to do was to explore the city on foot. I got fresh air and exercise, and most importantly made...
Japanese Onigiri, the simplest Japanese Meal.
Like many countries around the world, there are some local dishes that brings out their own unique flavor and can only be appreciated in their mother...
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Memories of Sendai: Onsen
Sendai is such an amazing city, and I have so many wonderful memories of it, that I sometimes forget that other people know little about it – they may...
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Louie started a blog post Kanama Matsuri! One of the Most Infamous Festival in Japan!in Louie's BlogKanama Matsuri! One of the Most Infamous Festival in Japan!
There are many unique festivals around the world and among them is the Kanama Matsuri of Japan. Anyone who are not familiar with this festival will have...
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