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  • Tissues in Tokyo

    Why are there girls handing out small packets of tissues everywhere in Tokyo, do I look like I have a cold?

  • #2
    In Tokyo, You can get packets of tissues easily. The tissue including advertisement. Nobody wants to have blochure or advertisement itself.
    It`s smart idea to handing out with tissues.Do you think so?


    • #3
      Seems like a good idea to me, I'm always looking for tissues for cleaning up my little spills


      • #4
        Very first time when I visited barber shop to cut my hairs, after hair cut and payment, barber said arigato gozaimasu (which means thank you) and gave me tissue packets. I was surprised, as I was thinking that I am not feeling cold then why he gave me this tissue packet, and I asked him.

        Click image for larger version

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        He said that this barber shop is new one and they are advertising it with tissue papers. I smiled and thought that it’s awesome and is a new way to advertise.


        • #5
          Or other foreigners may think maybe I pooped in my pants. hahaha


          • #6
            I've watched a few animes where some people give out free tissues. It always had been a mystery to me until later I did a bit of research to find the reason why they have this custom. So first and foremost, it is used to "Advertise" something. It can be a new cafe, shop, stall or it could be "anything". Tissue is quite cheap and compared to leaflets, people tend to keep them. I've also noticed that when some people give away leaflets, the chances are you'll find them on the ground a few meters away from the distributor of the said leaflets. Tissues are practical and it can get the message across because "Tissues are actually used almost everyday". Also it's a tried and tested advertising method in Japan, that's why you'll find these free tissues almost everywhere (especially near stations and other business areas).


            • #7
              can anyone post a picture of that tissue with ads so we can see please? thanks


              • #8
                Click image for larger version

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ID:	754

                @Tara4Eva ... I hope this might help!


                • #9
                  ^ Thanks Ankur.
                  I see now, so that's how they do it.

